The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, FEMA
5/1/2017 (Permalink)
California (and the rest of the country) need to be prepared for the occurrence of Earthquakes. FEMA has published an very good overview of Hazard Reduction... it is simple, with easy to implement recommendations. Please take the time to review the information, pick the most important suggestion for you and implement it... then go back and choose another and implement it...You will soon find you have a strengthened emergency plan that was easy to complete.
We are posting a copy of the Overview document in the hope that additional information leads to additional community safety. We are also including the link to FEMA, it contains a wealth of information on emergency response to numerous disaster situations.
Reducing Earthquake Risks
Earthquakes cannot be prevented, but their impacts
on life, property, and the economy can be managed.
Congress first authorized the National Earthquake
Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) in 1977
(Public Law 95-124) to “reduce the risks of life and
property from future earthquakes in the United
States.” The most recent reauthorization was Public Law 108-360.
The role of NEHRP is to provide the public and
private sectors with the scientific and engineering
information, knowledge, and technologies needed
to prepare for earthquakes and reduce the
costs of losses and recovery. To fulfill this role,
NEHRP works in partnership with the community
of earthquake professionals in academia and in
business, government, technical, professional, and
codes-and-standards organizations involved in the
earthquake risk reduction process.
A Federal Partnership
Focusing on building code standards, technical
guidance, and education, NEHRP is a collaborative
effort among the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA); the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), the NEHRP lead agency;
the National Science Foundation (NSF); and the
United States Geological Survey (USGS). These
agencies work in close coordination to improve
the understanding of earthquake hazards and to
reduce the Nation’s vulnerability to earthquakes.
The agencies research the causes and effects
of earthquakes to produce technical guidance;
develop earthquake-resistant design, construction
standards, and techniques; and educate the public
about earthquake hazards and mitigation (visit
NEHRP Agencies for more information).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Under NEHRP, FEMA is responsible for
developing effective earthquake risk reduction
tools and promoting their implementation, as
well as supporting the development of disaster-resistant building codes and standards. FEMA’s 1 NEHRP activities are led by FEMA Headquarters, Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA), Risk Reduction Division, Building Science Branch, in strong partnership with other FEMA HQ Directorates, and in coordination with the FEMA Regions, the States, the earthquake consortia, and other public and private partners.
National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIST, in addition to serving as the lead NEHRP
agency, develops, evaluates, and tests earthquake
resistant design and construction practices
for implementation in the building codes and
engineering practice. NEHRP Directorate,
Secretariat, and applied research activities are
conducted under the NIST Engineering Laboratory
(EL) Materials and Structures Division.
National Science Foundation NSF supports basic research and research facilities in earth sciences, engineering, and social, behavioral, and economic sciences relevant
to understanding the causes and impacts of
earthquakes. NSF’s NEHRP-related support is
carried out primarily through research grants to
individual universities, university consortia, and
other organizations. These grants are awarded
primarily through the agency’s Directorate for
Engineering and Directorate for Geosciences.
NEHRP Mission
The mission of NEHRP is to develop,
disseminate, and promote knowledge,
tools, and practices for earthquake
risk reduction—through coordinated,
multidisciplinary, interagency partnerships
among the NEHRP agencies and their
stakeholders—that improve the Nation’s
earthquake resilience in public safety,
economic strength, and national security.
United States Geological Survey
USGS operates and supports earthquake
monitoring, data analysis, and notification facilities; provides earthquake hazard assessments; and
conducts and supports targeted research on earthquake causes and effects. The Earthquake
Hazards Program Office and USGS Headquarters lead the agency’s NEHRP work. USGS research
and monitoring activities are conducted by USGS
scientists at offices in Albuquerque, New Mexico; Anchorage, Alaska; Golden, Colorado; Memphis, Tennessee; Menlo Park and Pasadena, California; and Seattle, Washington, as well as through grants and cooperative agreements with universities, State geological surveys, and other organizations.
Cooperating Organizations
The NEHRP agencies support and work with many cooperating organizations. These organizations
include the Applied Technology Council, the
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, the National Institute of Building Sciences, the Southern
California Earthquake Center, The Federal Alliance
for Safe Homes, Outreach Process Partners, and
the four regional earthquake consortia: the Cascadia
Region Earthquake Workgroup, the Central United States Earthquake Consortium, the Northeast
States Emergency Consortium, and the Western
States Seismic Policy Council. These organizations and many others are essential in furthering the work of NEHRP.
Improve understanding of Goal A earthquake processes and impacts Develop cost-effective measures to reduce earthquake impacts on Goal B individuals, the built environment, and society-at-large Improve the earthquake resilience Goal C of communities nationwide
Technical Guidance
Based on research conducted by the NEHRP
agencies, FEMA develops technical guidance manuals, handbooks, and training materials on seismic safety and construction. State and local
governments, building code officials, architects,
engineers, and building industry professionals use these materials for designing and building homes,
businesses, and infrastructure; retrofitting existing buildings; and developing building codes in at-risk
FEMA provides the following types of information:
- Guidance and best practices on seismic design, construction, and upgrade techniques
- Procedures for identifying, documenting, and ranking earthquake hazards and the resultant
risks to buildings and infrastructure
- Techniques for evaluating structures damaged by earthquakes, such as steel frame buildings and concrete and masonry buildings
- Methods for estimating seismic upgrade
costs and benefit-cost models for upgrading
government buildings
- Recommended improvements to design and construction standards for structures in
earthquake-prone areas
- Performance-based design and construction guidance for building owners, managers, and regulators to best determine how a building will perform in an earthquake of specific parameters
Public Education Materials
The NEHRP agencies, with their partners, produce the following types of earthquake safety materials:
- Brochures and web-based materials for homeowners and businesses
- Techniques for upgrading homes and reducing
hazards in homes and businesses
- Earthquake curricula for grades K-6 and 7-12
- Tools to assist disaster educators, incident
managers, and others to organize earthquake
safety programs
For more information on FEMA’s NEHRP activities
and its resources, and to subscribe to FEMA NEHRP email updates, visit FEMA Earthquake.
Remember, SERVPRO is ready to assist you when disaster strikes.
Remember, SERVPRO is ready to assist you when disaster strikes.